Thursday, April 28, 2016

Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings 1

One father was complaining2 to another3 about how much money he had to spend4 on his son. It was costing5 a lot to buy clothes, books, carfare6, lunch, etc7.
          The other father remarked, "My son does not cost me a dollar. I wish9 I could spend something on him."
          "Why doesn't your son cost you?"
          "Because," replied the second father, "he died a few months ago10."

1.     count your blessings – посчитайте свои благословения (будьте благодарными за все хорошее)
2.     complaining – жаловался
3.     another – другому
4.     had to spend – приходилось тратить
5.     it was costing – стоило дорого
6.     carfare – проезд
7.     etc – итд (и так далее)
8.     remarked – высказался
9.     wish – желать, хотеть
10.                        ago – тому назад

The picture used was taken from

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Out of Love

Out of Love1.

A rich man died and left no heirs2. When his household goods3 were auctioned off4, an elderly5 lady dressed in shabby6 clothes was the only one to bid7 on the picture of the dead man's son. The wealthy8 father greatly cherished9 this portrait because his only child10 had died at an early age11. But the crowd12 that had gathered13 for the sale14 showed no interest in it15. When the woman who bought16 the portrait was asked why she wanted it, she said she had been the boy's nurse17 many years before, and had loved him dearly18.
          Later she noticed19 a bulge20 in the heavy paper on the back. Making a small cut21, she discovered22 an envelope23  which24 turned out25 to be the man's will26. The document very clearly27stated28 that he wanted to leave his property29 to the person who still held dear30 the memory31 of his beloved32 son.

1.     out of  love – из-за любви
2.     left no heirs – не оставив наследников
3.     household goods домашняя утварь
4.     auctioned off – проданы с аукциона
5.     elderly – пожилая
6.     shabby – потертый, старый
7.     to bid – делать ставки
8.     wealthy – богатый, состоятельный
9.     greatly cherished – очень берег
10.                        his only child – его единственный сын
11.                        at an early age – в раннем возрасте
12.                        crowd – толпа
13.                        gathered – собралась
14.                        sale – распродажа
15.                        showed no interest in it – не проявляла никакого интереса
16.                        bought (to buy) – купила
17.                        nurse – (здесь:) кормилица; медсестра
18.                        loved him dearly – очень любила его
19.                        noticed(to notice) – заметила
20.                        bulge – выпуклость
21.                        small cut – маленький надрез
22.                        discovered( to discover) – обнаружила
23.                        envelope – конверт
24.                         which – который
25.                        turned out – оказался
26.                         will – завещание
27.                        clearly – ясно
28.                        stated(to state) – указанно, заявлено
29.                        property – имущество
30.                        still held dear – все еще берег
31.                        memory – память
32.                        beloved – возлюбленный

The picture used was taken from