Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dealing With Criticism?

Dealing1 With Criticism?

The people who like to think negatively, will cling to their conviction3, even in the face4 of the most obvious5 contradiction6. The story is told7 that when Robert Fulton gave the first public demonstration8 of a steamboat9, one man, who believed that it was impossible10  for a boat with no sails11 to ever move,  was standing in the crowd12, along the shore13, shouting14, "He can't start it!" Suddenly15 there was a belch of steam16 and the boat began to move forward slowly. Startled17, the man stared18 for a moment and then began to yell19, "He can't stop it!"

1.     dealing (to deal) – иметь дело, бороться
2.     cling – цепляться  
3.     conviction – убеждение
4.     in the face (дословно: в лицо)  лицом к лицу
5.     obvious – очевидно
6.     contradiction – опровержение, противоречие
7.     the story is told (дословно: история рассказана) говорят, рассказывают
8.     public demonstration – демонстрация для публики
9.     steamboat – пароход
10.                        impossible – невозможно
11.                        sails – паруса
12.                        crowd – толпа
13.                         along the shore – вдоль берега
14.                        shouting (to shout) крича
15.                        suddenly – вдруг, внезапно
16.                        was a belch of steam – вырвался столб пара
17.                        startled – потрясенный, ошеломленный  
18.                        stared (to stare) –пялился, глазел  
19.                        yell - кричать

Used picture is taken from WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Say: "I Love You!"

Hey girls, it's 23d of February! Give your man some special attention. 

From her to him
Kiss him hello1 at the door.

Picture in your mind2 all the other women who would love3 to have him, & remind4 yourself that he chose you. It will make you realize5 how lucky you are.

After you use6 his car, fill the tank7 with gasoline8.

When he goes off to work, walk with him to the car once in awhile9.

Flirt10 with him at a party.  Wink11 at him

Keep his picture in your wallet, on the dresser12, or on your desk.
Smell13 good when he comes home from work.

Buy or make a card or a little gift for no special reason14. Wrap it up15 & give it to him lovingly16.

Wash his hair

Put your arms around him from the back. Tell him he smells nice. Massage his back a little.

Buy a black nightgown17.

Draw a bath18 for him, adding19 bubbles20 or bath oil. Pin21 a flower in your hair. Light up22 some candles. Play geisha23 & give him a bath with a big sponge.

Once in awhile, kiss his hands.

Massage his temples24 when he has a headache25 or hold him close26 in bed when he feels down27.

Once in awhile, wake him gently28 with a kiss.

Make an effort29 to be cheerful30 even when you do not feel that way.

Learn as much as you can about his work.

Take a bike ride31 together. Build a snowman32 together. Wash the car or peel33 potatoes  together.

Privacy34 is important too.  Have separate hobbies, friends & times alone. Pushing too hard35 to always stay together can be just as hard36 on a couple as too little time for each other

Never compare37 him with old boyfriends, your father, or former38 husband.

Pat39 his back while riding behind him on the escalator40.

Get up when he does in the morning. Try to look pretty & cheerful.

When the alarm rings in the morning, turn it off, put your arms around him & say, "I love you."

1.       Kiss him hello – поцелуйте его, приветствуя
2.       Picture in your mind – вообразите/представьте
3.       would love – очень бы хотел(и)
4.       remind – напоминать
5.       realize – осознавать
6.       use- пользоваться
7.       fill the tank – заполнить бак
8.       gasoline – бензин
9.       once in a while – иногда
10.    flirt – флиртовать
11.    wink – подмигивать
12.    dresser – туалетный столик
13.    smell – пахнуть
14.    for no special reason - безо всякой причины/просто так
15.    wrap up – обернуть
16.    lovingly (adverb from the word love) – ласково, с любовью
17.    nightgown – пеньюар
18.    вraw a bath – наполнить ванну
19.    adding (to add) – добавлять
20.    bubbles – пузырьки
21.    pin приколоть
22.    light up – зажечь
23.    play geisha – притворитесь/поиграйте в гейшу
24.    temples - виски 
25.    headache – головная боль
26.    hold him close – обнимите его
27.    feels dawn – не чувствует себя хорошо
28.    gently – нежно
29.    make an effort – приложите усилие
30.    cheerful –веселый
31.    bike ride – кататься на велосипедах
32.    build a snowman – слепить снеговика
33.    peel – чистить/снимать кожуру
34.    privacy – уединение/время лично для себя
35.    pushing too hard – стараться слишком
36.    just as hard – также тяжело/невыносимо
37.    compare – сравнивать
38.    former – бывший
39.    pat – похлопывать
40.    escalator – эскалатор

Friday, February 19, 2016

Two Cards for a Nickel

Two cards for a nickel1.

What do you think brought success2 in this story?

A travelling salesman3 went to an area, where he knew, of one prominent4 industrialist5, with whom the salesman really wanted to establish6 business relations7, but it was difficult to make an appointment8 with him. Entering the industrialist’s office, the salesman gave his card to the secretary. The secretary took the card to her boss and through9 a partly10 opened door the salesman saw that the executive11 tore it in half12 & threw13 it into the waste basket. The secretary returned and stated14 that her boss would not see him.
            "May I have my card back?" asked the salesman. Slightly15 embarrassed16, the secretary reported to her superior17 who sent her back out again with a nickel and a message that he was sorry, but the card had been destroyed18. More than equal to the occasion19, the salesman got another card from his wallet and gave it to girl. "Take this back to him," he said, "and tell him, I sell two cards for a nickel."
            He got his meeting with the industrialist and he got his order20.

1.       nickel – монета в пять центов
2.       success – успех
3.       salesman – торговец, продавец
4.       prominent –видный, выдающийся
5.       industrialist – промышленник, предприниматель
6.       establish – установить
7.       business relations – деловые отношения
8.       to make an appointment – назначить встречу
9.       through – через
10.   partly – частично
11.   executive – руководитель
12.   tore it in half – разорвал наполовину
13.   threw (to throw) – выбросил
14.   stated (to state) – заявила
15.   slightly – немного
16.    embarrassed – смущенный
17.   superior – начальник
18.   destroyed (to destroy) – уничтожать, разрушать
19.   more than equal to the occasion (дословно: более чем равен положению) – не растерявшись, смекнув
20.   order – заказ

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Just a Little Thistle?

Just a Little Thistle1?
Have you ever2 wondered3 why such unattractive plant like prickly5 thistle is the national emblem for Scotland?

Well6, there is a legend, coming from many centuries7 ago, of a  great army, invading8 Scotland. At night, they went silently9, close to Scottish camp10 and prepared to make  surprise attack. The Scots were sleeping, not knowing about the great danger11 so near12.
The enemies13, to make their advance14 even more noiseless15, went forward16 barefooted17
. But as they neared18, one unlucky guy stepped with his broad19 foot  squarely20 on a thistle. A roar of pain21, sounded22 like a trumpet blast23 through the sleeping camp. In a moment each Scottish soldier had grasped24 his weapon25, and the enemy has lost the battle26.

So, if you are feeling too little and unimportant, to accomplish27 anything significant28 in life, think about that tiny thistle who played it’s own part29 in saving30 a whole nation.

1.       thistle – чертополох
2.       have you ever – вы когда нибудь… (+verb in past participle. Other examples: Have you ever seen a movie with Charlie Chaplin?; Have you ever won a loto?)
3.       wondered – задумывались, удивлялись
4.       unattractive (un + attractive) – непривлекательный, невзрачный (Other examples with un+: unpleasant – неприятный, unlucky – неудачный)
5.       prickly – колючий
6.       well – (in the beginning of a sentence) что ж.., ну
7.       centuries (century) - век
8.       invading (to invade) – захватывать, вторгаться
9.       silently (silent) –тихо
10.    camp – лагерь
11.    danger – опасность
12.    so near – так близко
13.    enemies (enemy) – враги
14.    advance – наступление, продвижение
15.    noiseless (noisy + less) – бесшумный (Other examples with less: sleepless – бессонный; motionless – неподвижный)
16.    forward – вперед
17.    barefooted – на босую ногу
18.    neared – приближались
19.    broad – широкий, обширный
20.    squarely – прямо
21.    roar of pain – рев боли
22.    sounded (to sound) – прозвучал
23.    trumpet blast – звук трубы
24.    grasped (to grasp) – схватил
25.    weapon – оружие
26.    lost the battle – проиграть битву
27.    accomplish – достигать, свершать
28.    significant – значительное, важное
29.    own part – свою роль
30.    saving (to save) - спасать