Thursday, March 31, 2016

Speak The Truth! But Do It Wisely.

Speak the truth1! But do it wisely2.

Long time ago3 there was a great4 king5. One night the king dreamed6 that all his teeth7 had fallen out8. Immediately9 he sent for one of his soothsayers10 to interpret11 the meaning of the dream. With a sad face and mournful12 voice13, the soothsayer told the monarch14 that the dream meant that all his relatives15 would die16 and that he would be left alone17. This made the king upset18 and he drove the servant from his presence19.
          Another was called20 and the king told him of the dream. This wise man smiled, and replied, "Rejoice21, O King; the dream means that you will live yet many years22. In fact23 you will outlive24 all your relatives." This pleased the king25 very much, and in his joy26 he gave this soothsayer a rich reward27.
The moral of the story is that the two soothsayers had said, the same thing28, but the second29 man did it right30

1.     truth – истина, правда
2.     wisely (wise) – с мудростью, с умом
3.     long time ago – много времени тому назад, давным давно
4.     great – великий
5.     king – король
6.     dreamed (to dream) – приснилось
7.     teeth – зубы
8.     fallen out (to fall out) - выпали
9.     immediately –  немедленно
10.                        soothsayer – предсказатель
11.                        interpret – толковать
12.                        mournful -  мрачный, траурный
13.                         voice –  голос
14.                        monarch – монарх
15.                        relatives – родственники
16.                        die –  умирать
17.                        left alone –  останется один
18.                        upset – злой
19.                        drove the servant from his presence  - выгнал слугу прочь
20.                        another was called – позвали другого
21.                        rejoice –  возрадуйся
22.                        you will live yet many years –  ты проживешь еще много лет
23.                        in fact –  в сущности
24.                        outlive –  переживешь
25.                        this pleased the king – это понравилось королю
26.                        in his joy – на радостях
27.                        rich reward – щедрую награду
28.                        same thing – то же самое
29.                        second –  второй
30.                        right – правильно

The picture used was taken from

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Don't Waste Time On Empty Disputes

Don’t Waste1 Time On Empty2 Disputes3.

While4 contending5 with the manifold6 problems of geography and climate in the building of the Panama Canal, Colonel George Washington Goethals had to7 endure8 the carping9 criticism of many people who predicted10 that he would never complete11 his great task12. But the resolute13 builder14 continued15 steadily16 forward17 in his work, and said nothing.18
          "Aren't you going to answer your critics?" a subordinate19 asked.
          "In time20," Goethals replied.
          The great engineer smiled and said, "With the canal”.

1.     waste – тратить в пустую
2.     empty –  пустой
3.     disputes – споры
4.     while – в то время как
5.     contending – борясь
6.     manifold – разнообразный
7.     had to – приходилось
8.     endure – терпеть, выдерживать, стойко переносить
9.     carping – придирчивый
10.                        predicted (to predict)  – предсказывали
11.                        complete – завершать
12.                        great task – большая задача
13.                        resolute – непоколебимый, решительный
14.                        builder – строитель
15.                        continued (to continue)  – продолжал
16.                        steadily – неуклонно, устойчиво, стабильно
17.                        forward – вперед
18.                        nothing – ничего
19.                        subordinate -  подчиненный
20.                        in time – со временем

The pictures used were taken from WikiMedia Commons

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Discovery of Newton (Cute Kids Series)

Dear readers,
I love being around children1! I learn a lot from them. Children make me notice2 and appreciate3 things I never saw before. And also, children are endless source4 of cute and funny stories that sometimes make you stop and think about life. So from time to time I will be publishing these stories which I will call “Cute Kids Series”. Those are collection of real life situations recorded by different adults. Hope, you will enjoy reading it as much as I do5.

Discovery6 of Issac Newton

The teacher was teaching to the children the law of gravitation7 and how important8 it was to discover9 it. "Sir Isaac Newton was sitting on the ground, looking at the tree," she said, "an apple fell on his head, & from that he discovered gravitation. Just think, children," she added10 enthusiastically11, "isn't that wonderful12?"
          One small boy replied, "Yes, and if he had been sitting in school looking at his books, he wouldn't never have discovered nothing!" J

1.     being around children – (дословно: быть вокруг детей) проводить время с детьми
2.     notice – замечать
3.     appreciate – ценить
4.     endless source  - нескончаемый источник
5.     hope, you will enjoy…as much as I do – надеюсь, вам понравится также, как и мне.
6.     discovery - открытие
7.     the law of gravitation – закон всемирного тяготения
8.     important – важно
9.     discover – делать открытие, обнаруживать
10.                        added (to add) – добавлять
11.                        enthusiastically – воодушевленно, с энтузиазмом
12.                        wonderful – чудесно, замечательно

The picture used is taken from

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Oh, Women Women!

It's 8th of March! And I couldn't help it but to give few tributes1 to WOMEN. 

Quotes by David Brand Berg:
God2 created3 the woman last4 she is the crown5 of God’s beautiful creation6!

Woman was created from the rib7 of man. She was not made from his head to rule8 him, not from his feet to serve9 him. She was made from his side10 to be equal to him11, from under his arm to be protected by him12, from near his heart to be loved by him.

Behind13 every great man there is a great woman! A woman can make or break14 a man.

The so-called15 weaker sex16 is the stronger sex17, because of the weakness18 of the stronger sex for the weaker sex!19*** See the translation of the whole phrase below

Book of Proverbs 31:10:  Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies20.
Book of Proverbs 12:4  A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband21.

1.      tributes дань/ должное
2.      God - Бог
3.      created (to create) – сотворен/создан
4.      last – последний
5.      crown – корона
6.      creation - творение
7.      rib -  ребро
8.      rule – править
9.      serve –служить
10.  side – бок, сторона
11.  to be equal to him –быть ему равной
12.  to be protected by him –  быть им защищенной/под его защитой
13.  behind – позади
14.  break – сломать, разрушить
15.  so-called – так называемый
16.  weaker sex – слабый пол
17.  stronger sex – сильный пол
18.  weakness – слабость
19.  Так называемый «слабый пол» на самом деле сильный пол, из за слабости «сильного пола» к слабому J
20.  Книга Притчей (Библия) 31:10 Кто найдет добродетельную жену? Цена её выше рубинов.
21.                        Книга Притчей 12:4 Добродетельная жена – венец для мужа своего.

The picture used was taken from

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Honesty Of Greats

Honesty1 of greats2

Michelangelo, painting the matchless3 frescoes on the high ceiling4 of the Sistine Chapel5, spent countless6 hours on his back on high scaffolding7, carefully8 perfecting9 the details of each figure. A friend asked him why he took such pains10 with figures which could be seen only at a distance11 by viewers12. "After all13," said the friend, "who will know whether it is perfect or not14?" "I will," replied the artist.

1.       honesty – честность
2.       greats – великие люди
3.       matchless -  несравненный, бесподобный
4.       ceiling – потолок
5.       chapel – капелла, часовня
6.       countless – бесчисленный
7.       scaffolding – подмостки
8.       carefully – осторожно, с бережностью
9.       perfecting совершенствуя
10.   pains – боли
11.   distance – расстояние
12.   viewers – обозреватели, зрители
13.   after all – (дословно: после всего) в конце концов
14.   whether it is perfect or not – совершенно оно или нет

The picture used was taken from WikiMedia Commons